Ok... some of you people might've heard of a little something called our government and the principles it was founded on. Whacky ideas like freedom of religon and speech, civil rights for the people and seperation of church and state so we don't turn into some kind of crazy christian version of Iran with nukes. Sure seems like a good idea, doesn't it? Then what the fuck... Prop 8?
So someone tell me WHY the fuck can't everyone get married? Why does it matter where you jam or rub your genitals? Just where do the Mormons of all fucking groups get off actually persecuting people? HELLO!!! As far as mainstream religons in the history of this country YOU of all people should have the good common sense to shut your non-caffeinated yaps! I really used to respect Mormons, maybe not for their religious ideas but certainly for their conviction. That and they're generally just really nice people and politely put up with my overwhelmingly vulgar ass... but I digress.
Why is it that We The People are allowing religion (which as stated is seperate from state) to allow these fuck-wits to dictate who can marry whom? If your faith doesn't approve, and its certainly their right to disapprove, then don't allow gay marriage in your church. I don't have a problem with that. I wouldn't go to your church, but its your right. There is a reason why you can go to the steps of the courthouse and get married and that reason is that its NOT just a religious matter. By allowing a law like that to pass we're denying a minority (minorities don't have to be ethnic) a basic and fundemental right. The right to marry the person that you love and will eventually loathe for the rest of your days. We're denying them the right to be people. Fuck "agree to disagree". Our country is founded on the concept of a basic set of ideas and liberties that EVERYONE regardless of race, creed, blah-blah... if you don't know the rest you probably stopped reading when I mentioned that homosexuals are actually people and stuck your finger back into your sister.
So here is what I propose.
When you folks, or family members or friends of yours get married... donate 10% of your money and gifts or pass a collection around at the reception for the Human Rights Campaign or any of the other pro-gay foundations so that everyone can enjoy the bond of marriage. If you want to be more active, write a check to them or help rally more people to the cause if you're broke. Action is a currency all its own.
-Straight without hate.
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