Friday, November 21, 2008

Rant factor 5... ENGAGE!

Ok... some of you people might've heard of a little something called our government and the principles it was founded on. Whacky ideas like freedom of religon and speech, civil rights for the people and seperation of church and state so we don't turn into some kind of crazy christian version of Iran with nukes. Sure seems like a good idea, doesn't it? Then what the fuck... Prop 8?

So someone tell me WHY the fuck can't everyone get married? Why does it matter where you jam or rub your genitals? Just where do the Mormons of all fucking groups get off actually persecuting people? HELLO!!! As far as mainstream religons in the history of this country YOU of all people should have the good common sense to shut your non-caffeinated yaps! I really used to respect Mormons, maybe not for their religious ideas but certainly for their conviction. That and they're generally just really nice people and politely put up with my overwhelmingly vulgar ass... but I digress.

Why is it that We The People are allowing religion (which as stated is seperate from state) to allow these fuck-wits to dictate who can marry whom? If your faith doesn't approve, and its certainly their right to disapprove, then don't allow gay marriage in your church. I don't have a problem with that. I wouldn't go to your church, but its your right. There is a reason why you can go to the steps of the courthouse and get married and that reason is that its NOT just a religious matter. By allowing a law like that to pass we're denying a minority (minorities don't have to be ethnic) a basic and fundemental right. The right to marry the person that you love and will eventually loathe for the rest of your days. We're denying them the right to be people. Fuck "agree to disagree". Our country is founded on the concept of a basic set of ideas and liberties that EVERYONE regardless of race, creed, blah-blah... if you don't know the rest you probably stopped reading when I mentioned that homosexuals are actually people and stuck your finger back into your sister.

So here is what I propose.

When you folks, or family members or friends of yours get married... donate 10% of your money and gifts or pass a collection around at the reception for the Human Rights Campaign or any of the other pro-gay foundations so that everyone can enjoy the bond of marriage. If you want to be more active, write a check to them or help rally more people to the cause if you're broke. Action is a currency all its own.

-Straight without hate.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

45 y/o tired of sex with hubby

Dear McHottie,

Great idea! I'm a bit nervous though about asking but here goes.

I'm a 45 y/o straight woman whos been married to a wonderful man for 20 years. We've got 2 great kids in their teens. Our marriage is strong but I'm just not sexually interested anymore. What do I do?



Congrats on deflowering the blog! Kinda ironic in the scheme of things when we look at the body of your question. Annnnyway....

You say you're not sexually attracted to your husband anymore but you do seem to at least like him and likely still love him. First I'd go to your family doctor and explain whats going on and request lab work to test your testosterone levels. Yes kiddies... its not just for boys and 'roid heads... its actually a very important hormone for sexual function. I digress... Get that checked first, its quick and might explain things if your levels are low and is the easist to explain to the husband. Thats of course assuming you have no interest at ALL in sex. If you still physically react and mentally want to fuck the guy at the local firehouse and let him blow a load on your back then maybe you're just bored with him. At this point you've got some decisions to make. You can open a dialogue with your husband about possibly opening the relationship up and if its acceptable then maybe you can bust out the thigh highs and saunter on down to the firehouse. If thats not an option consider divorce. If you honestly have no sex drive, and you're entering that age for women albeit a little early, you have some hard decisions. Your husband has needs, you have no desires. Thats the sexual version of trench warfare and will stagnate into misery for all parties. I'd recommend again to consider opening your relationship and allowing your husband a lover as long he's the kind of man that can be respectful and discrete. Is your marriage strong enough to survive that? It survived two newborns and all the trials in between. Perhaps it can survive this. With solid communication and concessions from both sides I think you can weather this but communication is key.


Format for asking questions

Here's a suggestion put to me by my compadre, the robin to my batman... she definately looks better in the tights... Epi!

Heres how you ask McHottie a question or for advice.

Dear almighty McHottie
I'm a *blank* year old M/F lesbian/gay/straight/tranny/transexual/eunuch/unicorn... the question I have for you, oh great one is thus.... What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.


whatever you want to be called.

Mail your question to:

I'll respond to the question after editing out your personal information.

The Rules According to McHottie

Feel free to send me whatever fucked up, nasty, depraved questions you have. I don't care if you're a fecalphiliac with a fetish for sex with octagenarians or a shy housewife who wants to try a little light bondage with the hubby for his/her birthday. I do have a few simple rules though that have to be followed.

Rule #1. Feel free to disagree, remember its an advice column/blog. I don't mind if you post a comment but keep the flames down.

Rule #2. Don't ask me to wow and amaze (shock and awe?) you with my personal tales of depravity. Odds are if I tell you something about my love life, its probably a total lie.

Rule #3. You are under no obligation to follow my advice... or really anyone elses for that matter.

Rule #4. I will at some point offend you, your morals, your sensibilities, your religion, your beliefs, and your grandmother if you're stupid enough to let her read this. If you'd let your 10 year old read this, do me a favor and go shoot yourself. Well shoot yourself after you find a responsible relative to sign your kid over to.

Rule #5. If I make fun of you a bit don't get mad, its the price of admission.

and the golden immutable rule of AskMcHottie...

Rule#6 I WILL NEVER POST YOUR NAME OR EMAIL ADDRESS. EVER. One thing I do respect is confidentiality.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dear Readers...

I hope this missive finds you well... unlike that crazy bitch thats been stalking you.

The purpose of this blog is to offer advice about relationships, sex, and whatever else you'd like to ask me. The intent of this is to entertain, have a little fun, learn a bit and most importantly boost my already overinflated ego. I should probably point out that I'm not a Doctor and that nothing I say should be construed as Professional Advice but in fact the half jaded, half demented ramblings of a underachieving genius.

And by genius I mean...



On with the show.